Ingredients" listed on the package baby wipes:
Xenoestogen known to mimic the sex hormone estrogen, which can lead to early physical sexual development - the chemical that is found in 9 of 10 tumors for breast cancer!
- Propylparaben - another nasty 'family' with the same suspicious potential fully tested for safety.
Plus, of course, even 'soothing' and sounding natural substance, which must be greatly added to neutralize the possible irritation potential of other components, could hit!
So what do you think that the risk on a regular basis (say, 3, 4 or 5 times a day) the deletion of these chemicals over the children most vulnerable areas?
Who knows? Of course, testing the long-term human health and safety of many
Coincidentally (and to be clear I am not saying that the link, just explore there was a dangerous rise in childhood cancer. In the U.S., childhood cancer rate increased on the order of 1% per annum since the early 1970's to the mid. The 1990s. In other words, childhood cancers have risen by almost 25% in this period! If you do not because I have baby wipes, there is definitely a school of thought to increase Environmental exposure to toxic chemicals May have a major impact on this
This can be done at least one simple thing to reduce their child or children, exposure to unnecessary risks of chemicals. Avoid the use of many products such as baby tissues, so clearly marketed as 'safe' and 'hygiene' choices for personal care, but more harm than good!
In fact, why not go the whole pig and make a choice to get closer to nature and natural ingredients known for hundreds if not thousands, of years as a genuinely good the skin.
Already been done with food), you will not only protect their own long-term health and well-being, but that his much-loved children, too!